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Fractal Dimension Estimator
Fractal Dimension Estimator is a software tool to measure the
fractal dimension (FD) of a 2D image.
FD is estimated by means of the box-counting method. The software allows to:
Software doesn't need installation. Just download the Zip file, unzip in any folder and run the FDEstimator application. Please follow instruction in Readme.txt included in the Zip file.
vFL Freeware Software and Services License Agreement
This is The Virtual Fractal-Lab (thereafter called vFL) Freeware Software and Services License Agreement, which applies to all Services and Software products available for download from vFL website(s), unless labelled as something other then freeware. All software available for download via vFL website(s) are copyright by the Authors of vFL, unless otherwise stated. Copyright law protects this software program, web services and any associated material. Authors of vFL retain title to and ownership in the copyright of the software program, services and the associated materials. vFL software is not provided as public domain. Read the License Agreement at the following web page: http://www.fractal-lab.org/license.html Warning: Any abuse or violation will results in the immediate cancellation of the profile on the vFL and access to services by the user who is responsible and, whether necessary, the intervention of the civil and criminal penalties. 2. FREEWARE LICENSE RIGHTS 2.1 PERSONAL USE All software products available for download from associated website(s), unless labelled otherwise, are provided as freeware by the Authors of vFL. vFL freeware products are provided free of charge. vFL freeware software are for personal use and may be used as many times as you like, for as long as you like. It is denied to copy, modify, publish, show, retransmit, licencing or distribute copies of this program. Any user cannot charge money or fees for the software product. The copyright holder reserves the right to reclassify this software as a non-freeware product at a later date (i.e. shareware or public domain). In this case the license agreement of previously distributed executables will not be modified. 2.2 USE OF RESULTS OBTAINED BY vFL SOFTWARE PRODUCTS Whether you publish or show results obtained by any vFL software, you must mention it: include a short notice about the name of the used software and the vFL website. The software is intended for research purposes only and its use and the entire risk to the quality of obtained results is with you. Any vFL software is not entitled for diagnostic purposes or validation of therapeutic strategies. vFL will not be responsible of any inaccurate or defective results obtained during the application of vFL products, published or used in any way you like. 2.3 USE OF vFL WEB SERVICES Publishing messages on the vFL website, you are responsible of all their content, including inaccuracies or Copyright Infringement. You cannot post any message, articles, links or figures which include Copyright Infringement, offensive language, advertisements or use the services for any illegal purpose. vFL tracks web access and any useful information to report any user who makes incorrect or illegal use of the services. 3. WARRANTY All vFL web services and software products are provided "as is" without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. vFL Software products do not contain dialers, virus, worms, spyware or any other malicious scripts. However, the entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is personal responsibility of the user. Should the program prove defective, you assume the costs of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. In no event will any copyright holder be liable to you for damages, including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the program (including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties or a failure of the program to operate with any other programs). vFL web services use personal data for the only purpose to publish or contact Authors who explicitly agreed to contribute to vFL development, by submitting contributions (e.g. comments). vFL does not publish your e-mail address or any other personal data without your agreement. vFL does not give, rent, sell, barter, bargain, trade, manipulate, exchange, nor otherwise use any of your information for anything other than processing vFL services and maintaining support. 4. TECHNICAL SUPPORT Technical support may be provided throughout e-mail and/or website postings. While every effort is made to provided timely technical support no guarantees whatsoever are implied that technical support will be provided or that technical support, when provided, will be accurate. Software offered on this site is basically unsupported and supplied on an as-is basis. 5. AGREEMENT Using the vFL software products and services you automatically agree to and show that you have read, understood and accepted the terms and conditions contained within this License Agreement. This License Agreement is then effective while you use and continue to make use of these software products and web services. If you do not agree with vFL Freeware Software and Service License Agreement you must not use the software products and web services - this License Agreement will then not apply to you. This License Agreement is subject to change without notice. Any company names, logos, mottoes and product names mentioned or shown on associated website(s) or in software products may be copyrighted, trademarked or registered by their respective owners. Please read and accept license agreement and click on the above link to download software. Back to Download page |